
About blue fish


About blue fish

The fish is divided according to fat distribution into blue and white fish. Blue fish stores fat in fat cells throughout the body, and white in the liver and somewhat in the abdominal cavity. The proportion of fats in white fish is low, especially in meat, where it makes about 1 percent while blue fish usually contain 5 to 10 percent fat, and sometimes more than 10 percent. The blue fish got such a name because of the silver stripes on the back and the hips that reflect blue color. Typical representatives of the group are tuna, herring, sardines, chub mackerel, Atlantic macerel, Atlantic horse mackerel, European sprat, European anchovy, Mediterranean sand smelt, garfish, Atlantic bonito, and Greater amberjack.

 Hunting for tiny blue fish has a long tradition in Croatia. For centuries, this fish was the most important source of healthy eating for the local population. Salty sardines and anchovies are still an important part of the Mediterranean diet. About the importance of small blue fish in Croatia speaks the fact that the island Palagruža belongs to the Republic of Croatia because of the rich hunting ground of sardines and anchovies, so rich that the Komižani competed who would first reach that island 42 miles away. It wasn’t only Komiža that benefited from tiny blue fish but also their former administrators Hvarans who built a rich city just by exporting this salted fish to Italy. Our children in elementary school must read the works of renaissance authors from that island just because in the 15th century they had enough money from exports to be able to invest in art.

 Small blue fish is still the most important branch of fisheries in the Republic of Croatia with over 80% of the total catch of only sardines and anchovies. As a result, the ministry is spending the most of its resources on small blue fish. Except for consumption, it is also important for the maintenance of another important industry in Croatia, which is tuna cultivation because small blue fish are used as food for tuna.

Blue fish
Blue fish
Chub mackerel
Blue fish
Blue fish